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第18回ダイワハウスコンペティション 入選


Ghota Kaneko 他1名



A house that refused to be evicted due to road expansion. The road curves to avoid the house, and a bleak triangular zone remains on both banks separated by the road. People ridicule the absurdity created by a single vacant house. In the narrow triangular zone, we built pylons, shacks, and an X-shaped bridge. Gradually, they are given back to a place for children, animals, and plants, and everyone begins to cross the bridge. The vacant house, a billboard architecture, is partially externalized and transformed into a hangout for children and a new billboard for the town. Over time, as grass and trees grow overhead and a green roof hang over, a landscape like a large single house is created. This house is no longer a house to be ridiculed. It is a house where people gather and laugh togeth

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